Idea Dump

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From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Assertations
Date: Mon, 13 February 1993 01:50:30 -1200

Just thinking that in the narrative structure of novels and movies, that we have a protagonist who is on a bee lin journey whereupon he encounters characters who aid him in that journey. These peripheral helpers can't all stay on with the protagonist on his journey through the narrative without cluttering the narrative with more stories. As a result, for clarity's sake, these peripheral helpers are redued to talismanic figures, representations of their own surface image (think Indian saving Cowboy's life with magical Indian secrets, think Joseph Beuys being saved by Crimean Tatars). What the protagonist takes with him is the power of the peripheral figure, the surface image, which he can then use as his own without the messy business of bringing his savior or helper into the main narrative. What do you think?


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: More sanitation Dept. Woes
Date: Mon, 24 April 1997 17:56:15 -0800

We feel unable to process the larger complex mechanics that govern our existence; we don't know about them, we have no working knowledge of them, and we especially don't know how to effect change in the system, how to understand or bend the larger systems of capital, politics or culture to our favor. Individuals are not at the helm of these large systems that define terms in our lives; what happens is that we realize that we're caught up in complex machinery; that individuals aren't at the controls, but lubricating the gears. Do we have a story, a mythology, a language for "getting big", unifying and grouping together to collectively operate?


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Tree grafting meeting
Date: Mon, 24 April 1997 17:56:15 -0800

enshelled behaviors and traditions
hidden from themselves (think: the only thing the eye can't see is itself)

spheres of thought, popped like bulbs, content rattling and ringing inside
squirming living organisms, startling and bigger than you expected

impoverished existence, these ideas seem more fully formed inside than they look printed out and isolated from tissue and oxygenated blood

grafting trees:
eye can't see itself, ear can't hear itself, nose can't smell itself, finger can't feel itself, tongue can't taste itself but
the brain can think about itself, though it's a strange process

darkness falls around all the people and houses in the world; cold and dark, wet and shiny blackness. Used to be that blackness and shadow were easily rubbed away, chalky and dry. Now, shadow sticks like an ooze onto things, obfuscation is more complete as that shadow shines and reflects floating lights in the contours of the object it's confusing. Dogs bark into the thickness, the communication resonates like waves through solid steel.

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Trees
Date: Saturday, 4 August 2007 17:56:15 -0800

Jolina bake sale, had it all over the weekend--dirt balls embedded in clear gelatin, florid growths inside the wiggling shapes of wheelers and ojos de guey, napkins bent into houses and hovering over a hot plate, black bread in the shape of basalt San Pedro cactus, lots of carbonized sugar in piles on the floor, ginger cookies with black sugar glaze and gelatinas flavored with catnip, concrete, plams leaves, anise, tree of heaven and pee-pee

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Hello friend, special offer!
Date: Saturday, 4 August 2007 17:56:15 -0800

The diagram of perpetual motion capitalism. our ever increasing burden and their ever increasing wealth--if designed correctly, it will go on forever until new rules need to be written in the physics books to explain just how energy of capital can keep multiplying without the actual creation of anything new.

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: moxa and white rice
Date: Saturday, 4 August 2007 17:56:15 -0800

I would like to find out more about the backyard sweatlodges and animistic religions of darker and wetter hillside regions of Los Angeles. Are there really home-made pools of hot mineral water dug into the hillsides?


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Trees
Date: Saturday, 4 August 2007 17:56:15 -0800

Axel Erlandson, sculptor of living oddities... our open audio sources continue to surround our eara from many dimensions. Erlandson forced, through grafting, multiple trees into incredible shapes; created strangulated, twisted trunks somehow surviving into lush green tops... two or more trees becoming one.

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Idea Dumper
Date: Mon, 24 April 1997 17:56:15 -0800

A page where incomplete ideas can be placed to be sorted out later

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: *^*
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 1997 17:56:15 -0800

Practitioners of Ecstasy and insurrection, revolution, liberation, social change, rending of illusions and living outside of established constrictions.
Tobacco Road by Eric Burdon and War
To exist as a visionary in oppressive circumstances is to be a speaker of the people ensconced in a secret university, an institution eating an institution.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: *^*
Date: Mon, 30 August 1997 17:56:15 -0800

The work is a dispersionary tactic- as a response to and attack against mind-numbing violence, ghostly and holistic closed systems of dog-eat-dog capitalism, with their deadening emphasis on sameness, conformity and apathy. Where that set of systems work by enforcing conformity with cruelty, this work disperses conformity with humor. The work should be like medicine sabotage- a constantly evolving and supple response to wholly synthetic and virus-like systems of waste.

So the work is a definite response to the world around- that’s important- it’s more than political, it’s holistic- and it’s more than a response, it’s tactical.

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: *^*
Date: Mon, 13 Sept 1997 17:56:15 -0800

Worlds of alleys and houses stream by on the train--things happen from the view of the elevated car moving over decrepit buildings and covered, bombed out cars. The rhythm of small streets flapping by are like a flip-book, an enormous zoetrope, each passageway one vignette in a series of endless vignettes--cellular commercials projected onto the walls of perpindicular streets tranformed into small caves.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: *^*
Date: Mon, 23 Sept 1998 12:46:12 -0800

Woman was on the train this morning telling nobody inparticular that she was never going to forgive him the misery he caused: "and I mean but never gonna forgive you. You dead to me. DEAD. Ain't never gonna hear from me except to say goodbye. Talking about looking at that pornography, those pornography magazines you had, all saying how we're helping her out so much with these, by enjoying these, all saying that our life will be so much better now,,, shit. For doing that, I will never forgive, rape and all the bad stuff you done."

A few days ago, a man on the bus was whistling through his teeth into his hands. His hands were like a mask, covering his face completely. I could only see the faded blue hooded sweatshirt he was wearing. Very melodic whistling, very percussive and melodic, like the mimicking of birds' calls. When he got off on his stop I saw that he wasn't old and weatherbeaten as I had assumed, but was young, tall, with a pork-pie hat and an adidas bag color and brand coordinated to his shoes.

From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: Sanitation Dept. Woes
Date: Mon, 24 April 1997 17:56:15 -0800

Masks are like lids...

...plagiarism is necessary. It is implied in the idea of progress. It clasps the author's sentence tight, uses his expressions.oaxa


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: You know what?
Date: Mon, 21 April 1993 17:56:15 -0800

The illusion of success is the ultimate success of illusion


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: You know what?
Date: Mon, 21 April 1993 18:34:25 -0800

Ice cream and spitoons. Words pile on top of words like lids of jars, masks are like lids and faces that hide behinds masks are M.A.S.K. (fluxuating origami pipe moire) or moire with hair. I don't literally want to construct corridors, I'd settle for more angular relationships between objects--straight lines make for rounder forms.

Yes, a lecture in the 99 cent store. Pack them in, free food.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: CAUTION
Date: Mon, 16 April 1992 22:56:15 -0800

My twos look like sevens and my sevens look like twos and nines. My fours look like nines and sometimes might eights also look like nines. My fourteens look like twenty twos and my threes look like twos.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: it could be done here in some form
Date: Mon, 16 April 1992 22:56:15 -0800

could "post" be a sheltering term? Could it be a term to distance oneself from a continuing visceral reality? "post" doesn't take part in the contemporary--it takes its vantage point from apart.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: balloons
Date: Mon, 23 January 2005 2:05:46 -0810

How about this? Above Tropico de Nopal?


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: The Suffering of, You and My Love Letters to You
Date: Mon, 11 October 2007 3:05:99 -0812

As it teeters over something skin deep--coyotl thinks of himself. The teetering reflection. The harmony of accordian and clarinet slipping all over eachother. What if the ears of rabbit were really twin faces of xipe-totec? "Could be," he thought as he fashioned a net out of some string. "Shit!" caught up in my own net again, "damn-it..."

Yreina is right, history is deep deep elixer; deep pool of divinatory possibility. Yeah, history is magic... wow. Thank you.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: buildings
Date: Mon, 21 January 2008 2:11:23 -0310

Buildings are like people in some stories. At one point, everything was like people, or, people was like everything.


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: re
Date: Tue,11 January 2008 2:21:42 -0110


From: Arturo Romo <>
To: XXXXX <>
Subject: RE: re: re
Date: Wed,21 February 2005 5:36:12 -0112