Man: I don't wish to be coerced into making ethnic art, or art about who I am. Why can't I be coerced by the invisible hand of the race neutral market when making my art? The market is the fairest form of evaluating the cultural value of art. It goes back to Dr. Martin Luther King saying that people ought to be judged by the content of their character and how that character appeals to (or doesn't appeal to) the market. It's simple economics... and with that in mind, color, race, ethinicity and other qualifiers are just ways to cheat a very just and proven system of assigning value in our society.
Cat: (head exploding) Market is not race-neutral. Market is a particular creation of a particular culture. That that culture wishes to remain invisible so as to make itself omnipresent is telling. The motivation to define one's culture as the default culture that everyone must conform to or perish is an imperialist one. To refine one's craft, imagery and intent to more closely mirror the organic output of the Market is to kneel before the oncoming army and to agree to a law that ensures your death.

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