The October Surprise (2004)

In 2004, I took part in The October Surprise: Creative Interventions and Underground Politics in Northeast Los Angeles. For my part, I put up a hand printed poster by the Botanica Poder del Mestizo called "Pressure Points of the Head and Shouders" throughout northeast Los Angeles, concentrating on areas where people might stop to read the instructions, like bus stops and near botanicas.

The poster starred George W. Bush as a model for various pressure points of the head. Lines pointing to particular parts of his face were connected to instructions such as:

Pull lower lip away from mouth, take each bottom tooth and pull away from mouth with either thumb- take care not to acually pull any tooth out

Keep eye open and gently stroke white of eye with thumb of the left hand until one tear is produced


Use nail of pinkie finger of left hand and apply medium pressure towards the nasal septum

Finally, a few words were given about the nature of the eye:

Energies surrounding the eye affect the health of the whole body. Percepetion and health are linked. Be extra cautious when healing through the eye. Wonderment is the eye’s function- it recognizes metamorphosis and change better than any other organ. Use this knowledge when healing

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